
$ npm install --save-dev


Import the Tauk package in your test suite.

import Tauk from ""

Instantiate Tauk with your API TOKEN and PROJECT ID from the Tauk Web UI.

const tauk: Tauk = new Tauk("API-TOKEN", "PROJECT-ID");

If you want to exclude a test suite from analysis you can pass in the parameter{ excluded: true }. For example:

const tauk: Tauk = new Tauk("API-TOKEN", "PROJECT-ID", { excluded: true } );

Provide Tauk with a reference to your driver object.


Wrap your individual test cases in tauk.observe().

The first parameter is the test case name as a string. The second parameter is your test case function. For example:

await tauk.observe("Add new contact", async () => {
    await (await driver.$(`android=${AndroidContacts.locators.firstNameTextField}`)).setValue("Tauk");
    await (await driver.$(`android=${AndroidContacts.locators.lastNameTextField}`)).setValue("Samples");
    await (await driver.$(AndroidContacts.locators.saveButton)).click();

Call tauk.upload() before ending your driver session.

await tauk.upload();