This guide will help you get started with using Tauk! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to [email protected].

Navigate to User Settings

You can create an API token by clicking on the ⚙️  icon, located at the bottom section of the navigation bar on the left. This will take you to your User Settings page.

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API Access section

In User Settings, click on the API Access section. If your account does not have an API Token, you will see an option to Generate an API Token.

Screen Shot 2022-05-16 at 2.25.22 PM.png

If your account already has an API Token, you’ll see the options to retrieve your existing token or revoke it.

Screen Shot 2022-05-16 at 2.24.13 PM.png

Note: Revoking your API Token will delete it. If you generate a new API Token afterwards ensure that you update this information in your environment variables or code, depending on how you provide this information to the Tauk package you are using.